
°4 c of finely crumbled toast bread.
°4 cups of finely crumbled cornbread.
°4 large scrambled eggs.
°2 cups chopped onions.
°2 cups finely chopped celery.
°1/2 cup soft butter.
°1 tablespoon sea salt.
°1 tablespoon of dried sage.
°2 tsp ground black pepper.
°2 tsp of poultry seasoning.

This is how to make my mama dress out of corn:
Step 1:
In fry pan, first melting butter and frying chop onion also celery until soft.
Step 2:
Next, in a large mixing dish, combine the toast with the cornbread.
Step 3:
Then I mix onions and celery with boiling liquid, salt, black pepper, sage, & poultry seasoning.
The fourth step:
Next, I added enough turkey gizzard broth to produce a sticky mixture with onion broom, then whisked in the eggs and scraped the sauce into a buttered skillet or large skillet. 
Fifth step:
Finally, I bake in a 400°F oven for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until the sauce is fully cooked.
This is!!! It's so easy, everyone can make cornbread sauce now, feel free to try this recipe, I hope you enjoy it!!!