* Components for :

°1 short dough
°100 grams of sugar
°2 eggs
°2 spaces
°50 gm powdered sugar
°3 slices of organic lemon
°100 gm butter
°1 tbsp. starch

* Preparation steps:

Preheat oven to 180 ° C (6 sixths). Roll out the dough and line a tray for pies. Prick the bottom with a fork and cover with baking paper and ballast. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove baking paper and weight and allow to cool.
Grease the lemon with cold water, remove its peel and grate. Reservation. In a bowl, beat the whole eggs with the sugar until the mixture is white. Add cornstarch, juice and lemon peel. Pour everything into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat, whisking constantly. Add butter and mix again. Pour the mixture over the base of the pre-cooked pastry.
Reduce the oven temperature to 150°C (5). Beat the egg whites, add the powdered sugar, and continue beating until the meringue is stiff.
Spread the meringue on the pie, then return it to the oven and cook for 10 minutes until the meringue begins to color. Her feet are cold.

Enjoy !