
Don't miss it!

* Ingredients :
° 1 chilled tube-shaped pizza crust
°1 tsp melted butter
°1 crush garlic clove
°3/4 C shred mozzarella cheese
°1 tsp parmesan cheese
° 1 tsp optional dry oregano leaves
* Methods  :
Heat oven to 425 F .
Spreading pizza crust on baking tray line with parchment-paper.
Mixing melt butter with crush garlic, then distribute them equally over entire pizza crust.
Sprinkling mozzarella cheese & Parmesan cheese equally over pizza dough. Then sprinkling dried oregano evenly on the face.
Before bake, cutting cheese-covered pizza crust to 16 equal rectangles employing pizza cutter 
Baking for 12 minutes, to cheese is ,melt and slightly golden.
Removing from oven & cutting bread again before serving .