Praline Crunch - Extremely Addictive!! Sooooo good! Sweet and savory in every bite!You can prepare them ahead of time and store them in an airtight box. Great for a party or a homemade gift!

* You will need
° 8 cups Krispies Cereal
° 2 cups pecan halves
° 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
° 1/2 cup corn syrup
° 1/2 cup butter
° 1 teaspoon vanilla
° 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

* directione

 Heat oven 250 degrees F .  
In  bowl, mixing cereal with pecans.
In  saucepan on medium heat, Mix brown sugar, corn syrup, also butter. Bring blend to  boil, stir occasionally. Removing from heat also add vanilla & baking soda. Pour on cereal mix also toss to coat equaly.
Pour the cereal mixture into a 9" x 13" skillet. Baking for an 1h , stir every 20 min .
Pour onto wax paper or paper-parchment to cool. divided to pieces.

Enjoy !