These 2 ingredients will help you get rid of ear infections & earwax.Here's how you can deal with these issues

cerumen Normally, the external ear canal is able to get rid of earwax through the process of outward migration, which occurs as a result of movements of the jaw (for example during chewing).  However, some people produce an abnormally high amount of earwax, or have a mechanism that prevents adequate migration of earwax to the outside.

Accumulation of this substance in the external ear canal can lead to partial or complete plugging of the external ear canal. Some of the most commonly reported symptoms include: a feeling of blocked ears, subjective hearing loss, tinnitus and itching.

These treatments should be avoided if you have a perforated eardrum or regularly have otitis externa.

Mineral oil or unscented olive oil: This is a homemade treatment that you can administer yourself. Just put two to three drops of the oil in the external ear canal on a regular basis to soften the earwax. It is important to clean the ear afterwards with a washcloth.

Ear drops (cerumenolytic products): This treatment can be used on its own to soften the earwax and thus help its migration out of the external auditory canal. Cerumenolytic products can also be used before irrigation or curettage treatment to maximize its effectiveness.

Ear Irrigation: This involves the use of a jet of water to cleanse the outer ear canal. A syringe filled with lukewarm water or an electric irrigator can be used to loosen excess earwax. Doctors as well as trained nurses can undertake this procedure. This treatment should be avoided if you have a perforated eardrum; water can reach the middle ear, which would then become a breeding ground for infections. People who have had ear operations should not use this treatment.
Manual cleaning by curettage or by suction: Manual cleaning by curettage involves manually extracting the earwax using a medical instrument, such as a curette. This treatment is preferred if you have a perforated eardrum or have already had ear surgery. Suction cleaning, on the other hand, is done using a suction bulb. The ENT doctor usually proceeds under the microscope.